Thursday, January 1, 2009


Born near Dublin in 1906, Samuel Beckett is one of the most important writers of the 20th Century. He lived in London and Paris and wrote in both English and French. In short, I find his novels and plays filled with hilarious despair and extremely visual. I can see every scene -the street or road, the landscape, the characters - all in a rich panorama.
If we are able to make this exhibition a reality, I have a vision for the Opening Night: dark gallery, pin spots on the two dozen or so paintings, an actor in the corner continuously reading from Beckett's works, a few props around - a bicycle, a crutch, a worn valise. All those involved in the show, plus friends, dressed in black wearing black bowlers.
I need and welcome your COMMENTS and SUGGESTIONS: How to reach Beckett fans in the USA and Europe; how to promote the exhibit to the general public and, your thoughts for additional paintings. At the moment I'm working on "Krapp's Last Tape", "Play", "Happy Days" and, of course, "Waiting for Godot".
Please add your posting by clicking on "comments" and when the window appears, click "anonymous" - that way you won't need to sign in and register. Better yet: E-MAIL me at
Thank you, Charles Winecoff


Anonymous said...

yes, i can leave a comment. This is a massive and great undertaking. I cannot imagine how it will turn out but the preview is extrodinary. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Beckett characters will finally evolve to be observed, studied and enjoyed by those of us who strain to visualize the complex personalities so beautifully but mysteriously described by Sam. God speed, Charles - on to InArt! Georgia